Keep Alive Local Art [Winter 2011] PolkaDotPunks

Clinical hospital drip installations filled with brightly coloured liquids highlighting the vibrant life-blood of local artists.

PolkaDotPunks is a pop-up art collective based in Glasgow frustrated at the hierarchical structure of the art world. The Punks’ aim to give Glasgow and beyond’s vibrant and below radar artists a platform to showcase their work and sell at an affordable price.

To communicate this ethos – street-based experiential campaigns are employed to market this new upstart on the art scene!

Skrevet af Robin Dunlop

Hi - I'm Robin Dunop - POLKADOTPUNKS guerrilla marketeer. Brand awareness and experiential marketing are of particular interest. I am enthused by the buzz and amplification effect that can envelop intelligent off-kilter campaigns. Today's world is a cluttered media sphere - awash with top-down, passive and ultimatelty switch-off messaging. I believe people do want to know and belong - you just need to enchant them!

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